We would like to enlighten you about Kütahya Çini Yapı Tasarım.


KÜTAHYA CINI CONSTRUCTION DESIGN LTD. ŞTİ. Our company operates in the field of mosque architecture, especially in the field of mihrab, mimber, kürsü, muezzin, column and wall tile decorations.

TILE WORKING AND TILE ART: The art of tiles, which is one of the most special and precious heritages from the Ottoman history, still maintains its agenda. This branch of art, which we encounter on the walls of mosques and tombs, also adorns the exterior and interior facades of mansions and palaces. The most popular art branch of Ottoman history, which gives beauty to the products that are processed and processed with fine details, continues without losing anything of its value until today.

The heirloom tile art lived its heyday in the establishment of the Ottoman state. The tile art, which developed and renewed over time, started to gain more importance with MİMAR SİNAN. He has created places of interest even now, by using works from this branch of art in each of his works.

We think that every work we do is a value that reflects and expresses ourselves, and we are happy to present and explain it in every medium we perform in this sector for more than 25 years. We hope to put our signature on many more works with new friends, new works and new designs to our reference of 5000+ Mosques.

KÜTAHYA CINI CONSTRUCTION DESIGN LTD. ŞTİ. As our company; Redesigning Kütahya tiles aims to make impressive and high quality works with handcraft and stone tile panels. 16th century in our mosques. It is the priority of our company to keep the art of tile that has come to the present day and to reach the highest quality production standards and to make new products with different color and pattern designs.

The use of tile art as a window-top verse, panel and sash ayat in mosque decorations and architecture (mihrab, mimber, kürsü, column and wall) that has been going on for years and combining its harmony with a new understanding, design and harmony, our company provides maximum satisfaction in all the works it has done. aims.

In order to carry our traditional art further and better, we make a difference in the sector with porcelain-based exterior tile tiles, specially designed stone tile panels, octagonal exterior tiles and higher quality and beautiful products.